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The Ultimate Book Guide for the Unconventional Woman

the books you won't find in many libraries and the ones you need in yours...

Over the years I've found myself nose deep in books I never imagined I'd be reading - many that have quite literally changed the trajectory of my life. They likely won't make it to the top of any book lists, and sometimes they'll be impossible to find - but they're books worth taking the time to read - and then passing them along to your friends. You know, those kinds of books.

Welcome, and enjoy this book guide created for the unconventional woman.

There is no monopoly on knowledge. Each of us has been blessed with a mind and the ability to read and think critically to make our own judgments on any topic we're presented with. We all have access to the same information.

Stay open-minded. Be willing to change your mind when presented with new information. Arm yourself with knowledge because knowledge eliminates fear and knowledge is power!


Health + Wellness:

The Good Gut by Justin Sonnenburg

Dirty Genes by Dr. Ben Lynch

Chris Beat Cancer by Chris Wark

The Rain Barrel Effect by Stephen Cabral

The Mind-Gut Connection by Emeran Mayer

How to Be Well by Frank M.D. Lipman

Science for Sale by David L. Lewis PhD


For Parents:

Be Your Child's Pediatrician by Rachel Weaver M.H.

The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel J Siegel



God Made All of Me by Justin S. Holcomb

It's Not the Stork by Robie H. Harris

Foraging with Kids by Adele Nozedar

Brave Books code ERIN for 15% off



The Vaccine-Friendly Plan by Dr. Paul Thomas, MD

The Vaccine Epidemic by Louise Kuo Habakus

HPV Vaccine on Trial by Mary Holland


Homesteading + Gardening:

The Homesteading Handbook by Abigail Gehring

Keeping a Family Cow by Joann S. Grohman

The Old Farmer's Almanac Vegetable Gardener's Handbook

Backyard Chickens by Claire Woods

The Home Creamery by Kathy Farrell-Kingsley

Family Foraging by David Hamilton

The Family Cow Handbook by Philip Hasheider



Survival Food to Stockpile by Raymond L. Hillman



The Gift of Giving Life by Felice Austin

Birthing from Within by Pam England

Pushed by Jennifer Block


Medicine and Natural Remedies:

Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine by Andrew Chevallier

Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC


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